Scamp Photo Album 2020
Shell Rock Preserve June 16 - 21
(Click Thumbnails for Larger Picture)
was our first outing due to the lovely COVID-19
pandemic. Many parts were still closed, but a
quiet, out of the way campground that we have
visited often eventually opened by June. Our
main re-enacting event for June in the SCA was canceled this
year due to COVID-19. But, since many of use
in our local group had already schedule the time
off, we decided to have a little get together,
social distanced and masked, at one of our favorite
local parks. So that explains some of the
funny looking tents in the background.
Wyalusing State Park, WI June 26 - July 5
(Click Thumbnails for Larger Picture)
the second outing for the year came over the Forth
of July. Again, COVID-19 severely restricted
our activities during this trip, but we like to
visit this campground for the view that it affords.
Since we still have our reservation, we decided to
make good use of the time this year.
(Click Thumbnails for Larger Picture)
did add to our kit this year. I wanted to find
a portable picnic type table that we could use in
our screen tent, but would not take up a lot of
room. After much searching over the previous
few years, I happened onto this little table
at Wal-Mart. It was $40 and came with four
camp stools that fold up inside. Turns out it
was perfect for a little outdoor workspace, or for a
small dinner table. It folds up nicely and
easily stores away.
Tettegouche State Park, MN September 18 - 26
(Click Thumbnails for Larger Picture)
September trip was actually our fourth and last
outing of the year. I wanted to hit one more
site for the year, somewhere, but it just did not
work out unfortunately. This trip, however,
the colors were wonderful to watch change, and I
have a series of them changing in the photos below.
(Click Thumbnails for Larger Picture)
If you would like better quality copies of the photos, or would like more
information about places we have been, please feel free to contact us