Scamp Photo Album 2023

Gulf Wars March 15 - 18

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Our first outing of the year was a bit different this time.  Lisa and I are members of a re-enacting group call the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism).  This year she was to receive an award at a regional (kingdom) level event in Lumberton, MS called Gulf Wars.  While in years past I have not attended the event, she wanted me to be there to participate in it.  So we hooked up the Scamp at home, in a couple inches of snow and headed to Mississippi.  As you can see the weather was much more amenable there.  And yes, both Charlie and Sammy made the trip with us.

Dolliver State Park, IA May 5 - 7

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For our second outing of the year, we joined our family for a trip to Dolliver State Park in Iowa near Fort Dodge.  We ended up skipping our Easter camping trip to Pilot Knob due to weather, but this weekend ended up being a beautiful one.  We even got a primo spot overlooking the lower river valley.

Grant River Recreational Area June 10 - 18

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This was our first trip to Grant River Recreational Area just outside of Potosi, WI.  We discovered it a year or so before and thought we would give it a try.  It is a great Army Corp of Engineer campground right on the Mississippi River.  Just on the other side is Dubuque, Iowa.  The only downfall is the very busy railroad traffic that passes by the campground.  Other than that, it is a great spot to check out.

Mother  Nature even paid us a visit this year.  We had a few turtles coming ashore to lay their eggs.  Sorry for the blurry photo.  I don't like using cell phone cameras, but since my good camera is no longer working, I had no choice.  Hopefully I'll get around to replacing that soon.

Wyalusing State Park, WI June 30 - July 9

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Made it back to Wyalusing for the 4th of July again this year.  Got one of our favorite spots.  You get a bit of the valley view, but also get a bit of privacy as well.  You can also see that someone took over one of my favorite spots in the camper.

Just a little look toward the future. Again, Lisa brought her electric Chevy Bolt to the campground.  It is really nice to have when traveling around the local area.  Cost of fuel for the trip was only one fill up on the way and one on the way back for the truck.  She was able to make it to camp, charge and drive while we were there from the site, then have more than enough to make it home.  Best part was I didn't have to drive around while we were there.  

Merrick State Park, WI August 4 - 7

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Another great view from Merrick State Park in Wisconsin.  Fit in right along the river and the solar panels keep our trailer charged and all of the electronics we bring long.

Ship Wreck Creek Campground, MN September 23 - October 1

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This was our first trip to Ship Wreck Creek Campground.  It was only the second year it was open and it is next to Split Rock Lighthouse.  While we looked forward to exploring this park, unfortunately I became ill with a temp the day we arrived.  By the time I was feeling better two days later, Lisa became ill.  We spend a good portion of time inside the Scamp this trip.  Good thing it is really comfortable.  We look forward to getting back here someday when we can do our usually exploring.  Fingers crossed.


If you would like better quality copies of the photos, or would like more information about places we have been, please feel free to contact us at or